Sunday, December 7, 2008

Story - Icidax, Cloan, Amei, etc.... ~Untitled~

Here's some information on a story ^^ Have to write it down, so's I don't forget it later....It's about a girl named Icidax that lives in a sucluded town with her mother and brother. Her older sister went coco when their father died, and close friend Cloan was forced to leave. The plot of the story is about Dax overcoming the prejudices and superstitions of Brjzok (which I can never remember how to spell). Later, rumors are spread that her sister attacked and beat an outsider in the woods the fence in the town. Dax doesn't believe the rumors, and after she hears too much, she gets angry, and she and her little brother Tolin go into the woods to look for the monster that's really responsible. They find Amei, a baret who was captured by magic-poachers and taken far from her home and her family (she has a mate and children). Meanwhile, a priest of the god Azorrthe has arrived in town, and stirring animosity in the deeply religious townspeople. They begin to feel that their god, the Great Wone, is being threatened, and force him out after tolerating him for a brief amount of time. He convinces a reluctant Dax and morbidly curious Tolin to tag along.

((This is as far as the plot as been developed. Everything beneath this pagebreak is new.))

While they're traveling, Dax discovers that Amei has been following them. Amei warns her that "something bad" is not far behind, and before the sun rises again, the priest is brutually killed. Amei guides Dax and Tolin through the dark woods to a city where, the next day (or over the next few), the meet a well connected man named Harrow, who offers to take them to a town close to Amei's clique (group) in exchange for money. Along the way, they come across an acquitence of his-- Tracker. Before Tracker leaves them again, Harrow is injured and unable to continue (by the same creature that killed the priest [and Dax's and Cloan's fathers]). Harrow convinces Tracker to take them the rest of the way.

During the journey, Dax tells Tracker about the monster that killed the priest, and he tells her he knows what it is- he's been looking for it since he was young, and seeks to kill it. The group reaches Amei's home and stays with their clique for a number of days, where Dax makes a comment about Brjzok and startles him. He suddenly asks what her real name is (since she's been using a false one).

"It's almost as if you- you know me, or..." Icidax stilled, suddenly, covering her mouth with one hand. Her eyes were round and shocked. "That's it." She breathed, looking at him as if she never had before. "You know me."

He concedes that he does, but Dax doesn't remember him. Later, she finds Tolin playing with (some shiny glass object, round, I'm thinking maybe a compass...), and snatches it from him because she realizes that she recognizes it- it's incredibly familliar, but she can't recall where she's seen it before.

((She remembers through...a dream? Suddenly memory-lane?))

It was Cloan's father's, something he saved from going to the river (and consequently, the Magic Man) when all the men were killed by the mysterious monster. Tracker is Cloan- surprise!

The Magic Man: Brojzok tradition dictates that when a person dies, their body and all of their possessions are thrown into the Menoa river. Further east of the town, the river turns sharply, and all of that stuff is washed up on the banks. At that bend lives a crazy old coot called the Magic Man, and he thrives off of their castaways. This creates further doubt in Dax as to her religion.

Rough Draft Description of Tracker/Cloan:
Dax blinked, thrown by the newcomer's appearence. Most of his dark hair- but not all- was bound up in thick dreadlocks (syn!) and threaded through with white beads. Three feathers, one distinctly longer than the other two, hung from one of the beads. His clothing was practical if worn, and a strange, long pouch was hooked on his belt. He walked with a cane and a limp; one of his legs was crooked.
(is, as always, subject to change).

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Another Idea~

This is for marriage and oaths and stuff. The idea is that when you really make a promise, you repeat it three times. If you break your word, then you suffer pain like millions of sharp pin pricks all over body (and that's all over), for 3 years, 3 months, 3 weeks, 3 days, 3 hours, 3 minutes and 3 seconds ^^

I'd jad the marriage vows, but I forgot them...*sweatdrop*

This is for Menori, by the way. Anner does something different....I think.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

*GASP!!* The Ninguin Mai'nos Brothers!

Wowa...those surnames have got to be changed...but for now, that's what you get ^^

(In order from youngest to oldest : )

1. Ana
-- pale purple hair, with random strands of orange
-- icy blue eyes
-- short and delicate build
-- around 50 years old

Ana is the baby brother. All of the older Min-los are insanely protective over him, even burly ol' Nana. Ana practices a kind of magic called Sylim magic, which is like...Salem (obviously), T*Witches, Merlin magic, which, to be of any use, you have to prepare before hand. It's potions and charms and crystals and all that mess, so, for the short-sighted Ana, it's pretty useless. He's good at it, but he doesn't prepare for anything -_-'' A good word for Ana is feisty. He's got a prickly attitude, but he's pretty lovable to his family and friends.

2. Nana
-- hot pink, with shots of purple and electric blue
-- flat black
-- big and buff ^^
-- about 65 years old

Nana is the muscle brain of the family ^^ He's impulsive, somewhat dull, and always, always, angry or grumpy about something. He's the fraternal twin of Norse. Nana works random manual labour jobs, and loves cinnamon coffee and a brand of potato chips called Go!! Chips. He likes to watch TV, but hates sports. He's not really stupid, just a teeny bit slow- he'll get it if you give him enough time. Nana's hair is in a Mohawk and shaved (regularly) on the sides, and a thin braid of hair hangs off the side of his head. There are three, really big round beads at the end of the braid, and there's a thick scar on his left cheek. Nana doesn't trust magic, and refused to learn any.

3. Norse
-- all shades of purple, with a string of blue
-- pastel green
-- beanpole XD tall and skinny
-- same as Nana

Norse is Nana's fraternal twin, and the goofiest of the brothers ^^ he's always giggling or laughing or smiling at something, and he can always find the silver lining. There is never a time, in the whole story, where he's not in a good mood that I can think of. He's a soldier in a world called Menori, under the Empress Salzara, Mother of Suns. He's a slippery little thing-- insanely hard to catch. He wears a helmet made out of a dully shining silver metal that's tight to his skull. Parts of it cover his cheeks and his forehead. His hair comes out of the back of it in a ponytail and hangs down to his shoulders. He's also talented with old style explosives ^^ Fireworks and homemade bombs. No watches or electronic parts, since Menori developed in a way away from technology. Norse excels at point magic, Sylim magic, and, when all else fails, a little bit of blood magic ^^

4. Ranen
-- a mess of blue, pink, purple and green
-- pearly grey
-- tallish, but filled out- well proportioned.
-- about 80

Ranen is strange. At times he's, quote, 'a book-bound idiot' (-Numair, Tamora Pierce =D), absent minded to a fault and amazingly slow, but at other times he's an embodiment of the saying 'sharp as a hawk'. He wears this strange, really big pair of goggles around his neck, and has his hair in a ponytail that stops just beneath his shoulders. From the start of the story, he's been MIA for the past fifteen or so years, looking for rare books and just being an all together nerd : ) He pops up in the middle. Ranen is generally happy/serious. He doesn't panic or scare very easily, and he has virtually no temper. He practices point magic, which requires no potions, focuses, or spells, just knowing what you want done and moving your arm, hand, even finger.

The brothers aren't faeries, no matter what Morgan, Aka and Jill call them. They're of a mutt race descendant of Blair elves. A map of the evolution of Blair elves would look like a big tree- one thick starting point, and then bam! Forty million little branches and twigs. Blair elves were the beginning for nymphs, human magic-users, Holly Black faeries and tons of other things. I...haven't got any kind of name for the race the brothers are from... : / They're originally from Menori, where Norse is generally found. They all speak a language called Niietri, which uses a lot of ni and u sounds.

Yay! All done ^^

character profile no.7 - Anaphestus Amon

gender;; male
species;; dragonmet
age;; don't ask @_@
hair color;; Brownish red
eye color;; pale violet
skin;; kind of like the color of white tissue paper over brown...
love interest;; Keomew Mundregur

Anaphestus, Ana, Annie, or Phestus for short is Nariques' son, and his first born, so Ana is pretty much a full dragon met. And EVEN THOUGH his nickname is Ana, he's not Morgan's Ana! Morgan's Ana is just plain Ana.

Anaphestus has little to no early history-- the only thing I've got on him as a child was Maari tutting at him for getting a fat lip and him crying (he was eight). Ana's got itchy feet. Randomly, ever few years, he'll take off and just bounce around. He doesn't keep in contact with Nariques or anyone else really. His longest trips last about fifteen years, and his shortest about two. He's mated with Keomew Mundregur, a Narken elf. Narken elves are famous for their strong stomachs, taste for meat (cooked or not), and violent tendencies. Keo has a very nasty temper, and more often than not, poor old Annie's his target.

Anaphestus' tail and horns are a sandy color. His horns curl like ram's around behind his head, and his hair is chopped off at his jaw...The word is hewed ^^ Ana is goofy and silly, can be serious but prefers not to be. His temper is slow to catch but wowa! He's four times worse than Keo the few times he really gets pissed. And it's not a fiery, feisty comedy temper, it's one of those really scary, really cold tempers that make you want to run but you can't move O_O

He likes to teach ^^ Ana loves kids, all ages, and they generally like him a lot. He usually lives with Keo in Anarrah, the capital city for Narken elves. Most times Ana doesn't show when he's about to take off, but when Keo does see it coming, they'll leave together.

Anaphestus' mother and little sister were human, so they're both long dead at this point. His dad is still around, but like I said, they don't keep in touch. 'S not because they don't like each other or anything, it's just that neither of them is really the type to carry a cell phone. They run into each other occasionally...there's a little drabble I did where Keo was looking for Ana, and Nariques had found him in a bit of trouble. He told Keo that Ana was in the next town ^^ There's another thing I haven't written down-- Ana got himself sold to a man who owned a traveling freak show XD Keo had to get him out...

I've got a drawing of Ana, but he's in this...totally weird pose...@///@

More history, from when he was little ^^ When he was probably...twelve, or so, Anaphestus was infected by a bug/beetle thing called an agerblight. Agerblights are like pearly white ticks, and they come in all sizes, and can attach to any host. Symptons are things like temporary loss of vision, enhanced sense of smell and hearing, head pains, sensitivty to light, disorientation, and increased tendancy of aggression and paranioa, and it makes victims intensely territoiral. The most thing about these bugs are that they can infect larger beasts- like dragons, and cause them to go bonkers. When Ana got infected as a kid, he was causing trouble for Maari, trying to knock her around (not beat her up, she's his mother!), and when Nari got home....heh heh. He took Annie out into a field, made him turn scaley, and beat the snot out of him. When he finally ripped the agerblight off, he did so in a very...rough way, that left a scar that runs the length of Annie's forearm, on the inside.

When Ana's older, and after he's been with Keo for awhile, he gets infected again ;_: But Keo diagnoses his condition and locates the bug with no trouble, because Ana's been under long enough that he's...just, well, too tired to get really freaked out. Btw, when he was infected this time, the 2nd time, he was on one of his trips. Keo found him in dragon form in a cave after getting a bad feeling.

character profile no.6 - Morgan Ashler

gender;; male
species;; human
age;; eighteen
hair color;; dark, dark brown
eye color;; blue
skin;; normal white, prone to tanning
love interest;; Ana

Aha...I recently finished coming up with most of Morgan's history. Let's start out- when he was fourteen years old, he was tempted by these evil little beasties called starbeasts. Starbeasts grant wishes for seemingly no benefit for themselves, but what they do is grant the wish in such a horrible way, that they feed off of the consequent misery and insanity. Morgan wished for knowledge, and they granted that by pretty much draining everything from his family's brains and putting it in his. The morning after he got his wish, he came downstairs and his family was just...a bunch of drooling puppets. They weren't even stupid- there was absolutely nothing in their heads. He'd lived with his mother, father, brother, sister and grandpa.

Because of that wish, Morgan knows what it's like to give birth twice, and have a C-section. He's "fought" in Vietnam, World War II, and in Korea. He can do what his parent's did- be a psychiatrist, in his mother's case, and be a doctor like his dad. He knows what it's like to shot heron and smoke crack, even though he's never done any of that himself, and he know what's it's like to be beaten up-- all of it from his family. He's a 'genius' in the sense that's he's lived six lives.

Morgan is eighteen when the story takes place. He hasn't gone to school since he was fourteen when he ran away- both his brother and sister were older than him and in high school, so he's pretty good at biology, chemistry, different foreign languages and mathematics.

Morgan's in between lanky and filled out, though he's more lanky. He's probably about five foot ten, or so, and he's got hair the color of dark chocolate (sorry about the food reference) that looks worse brushed than not brushed, and blue eyes the color of pool water-- which, in case you don't see many pools, is really bright. He has the ability to make walls, barriers in any shape, form, size or function. The walls look like smoke trapped between two layers of glass.

Morgan lives with Aka Timenbold, Jill Garth and her son Casper Babcock. He found Aka in the process of going loco after killing her mother when she was thirteen about a year after he'd taken off, and was able to fix her up. They continued to travel together, and about another year afterwards picked up Jill and Casper. Jill was a recovering druggy who'd dropped out of school to take care of Casper-- having gotten pregnant when she was sixteen. Casper's father, a guy named Robert Babcock who Jill described as being insanely optimistic, was killed in a fire. He'd intended to stay with Jill and Casper, so he was a good guy.

One of my favorite parts in Morgan and Ana's story, is when Jill, Morgan, Aka, Ana, and two of Ana's brothers- Nana and Ranen- had gotten caught on another world and were lined up to be hung. Ana, Nana and Ranen were the in the nooses, and Morgan hopped on stage to give Ana a...pretty thorough good-bye kiss (first one, between those two), and pushed a razor into his mouth so they could cut their ropes. Norse, the fourth brother, hadn't been caught you see, and he was off setting up a...fireworks display ^^

No picture of Morgan. A friend of mine did one, but I've got no clue where that thing got to-- I think she's still got it...

: )

Friday, January 18, 2008

Another IDEA ^_^

This is a very tiny gurgle, but I was always told to write down even the tiniest thoughts. But this is it -- (I'm a dual citizen- of America and Atlantis).

Yup, that's it ^_^

I was looking at CGI's of Atlantis of dA and thought about it suddenly. In Quizilla title format, no less.....bleh.


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

IDEAS! ^_^

Ideas for demons and their habits and mannerisms!

1) Demons steal bits of each others skin upon winning contests. One of more commonly taken pieces is the tail. When a patch of skin has been taken and the demon hasn't won a piece to replace it (it doesn't grow back) the bone shows. Skeleton tails are badges of dishonor and weakness. Other things might be stolen- eyes, for example- but nothing other than skin can be taken.

2) When more powerful demons die of natural causes (don't ask, I don't know) they cough up their hearts. After the heart has come up, they die after the next time they blink. If a heartless demon could find a way to never blink again after their heart was gone, they would fall under the title of a Vigil ^_^

That's it for now~~

character profile no.5 - Fate

gender;; male
species;; divine (god)
age;; not specified
hair color;; dark brown
eye color;; purple
skin;; normal white
love intrest;; none

This guy isn't even halfway through his development stage- I just had to post about him SOMEWHERE so I wouldn't forget him!

In my fic's world the main god is Inomi, and her language is Anominn meh Nok, which is the language all my weird words are in. In the modern world, and even in the world where Leon and Stel's main story takes place it's a forgotten language ;_; A few characters can speack it- Stel, Arianus, Anigus...Nzar might be able to...and some magic workers probably know a little too. And of course the gods speak it.

Right now there are three gods- Inomi, Asresadis, and Fate.

But now about Fate! His name is basically everything- he is the one he weaves fate and writes the world's plan. He literally weaves- on a loom. And in my world there is a way to become a god- defy Fate's plan. Put a knot in his weaving ^_^ Over the entire course of history it's happened six times.

Fate is the son and brother of Inomi- son because she molded him from clay, and brother because he is her equal. His main shape is a young boy...probably about eight years old. Because one of Inomi's jobs is as the one who cares for children, particularly younger boys. So that's what she made him as : )

I don't know what he's like really, but I would say his personality is similar to Nariques' only he's a lot friendlier, and he's got a good work ethic. His plan is usually a couple thousand lives ahead of schedule, and it's not uncommon for him to take a lifetime off. He likes to be born as a human and life with people every once in awhile. Catch- it always kills the mother, without fail, and he lives without memories unless someone (anyone would work) put their hand on his forehead and said he'yosh ma, which means, "truth" or "the truth"

When he's human he has a kind of four point, star birth mark on the back of his neck.