Wednesday, January 16, 2008

IDEAS! ^_^

Ideas for demons and their habits and mannerisms!

1) Demons steal bits of each others skin upon winning contests. One of more commonly taken pieces is the tail. When a patch of skin has been taken and the demon hasn't won a piece to replace it (it doesn't grow back) the bone shows. Skeleton tails are badges of dishonor and weakness. Other things might be stolen- eyes, for example- but nothing other than skin can be taken.

2) When more powerful demons die of natural causes (don't ask, I don't know) they cough up their hearts. After the heart has come up, they die after the next time they blink. If a heartless demon could find a way to never blink again after their heart was gone, they would fall under the title of a Vigil ^_^

That's it for now~~

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