Friday, January 18, 2008

Another IDEA ^_^

This is a very tiny gurgle, but I was always told to write down even the tiniest thoughts. But this is it -- (I'm a dual citizen- of America and Atlantis).

Yup, that's it ^_^

I was looking at CGI's of Atlantis of dA and thought about it suddenly. In Quizilla title format, no less.....bleh.


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

IDEAS! ^_^

Ideas for demons and their habits and mannerisms!

1) Demons steal bits of each others skin upon winning contests. One of more commonly taken pieces is the tail. When a patch of skin has been taken and the demon hasn't won a piece to replace it (it doesn't grow back) the bone shows. Skeleton tails are badges of dishonor and weakness. Other things might be stolen- eyes, for example- but nothing other than skin can be taken.

2) When more powerful demons die of natural causes (don't ask, I don't know) they cough up their hearts. After the heart has come up, they die after the next time they blink. If a heartless demon could find a way to never blink again after their heart was gone, they would fall under the title of a Vigil ^_^

That's it for now~~

character profile no.5 - Fate

gender;; male
species;; divine (god)
age;; not specified
hair color;; dark brown
eye color;; purple
skin;; normal white
love intrest;; none

This guy isn't even halfway through his development stage- I just had to post about him SOMEWHERE so I wouldn't forget him!

In my fic's world the main god is Inomi, and her language is Anominn meh Nok, which is the language all my weird words are in. In the modern world, and even in the world where Leon and Stel's main story takes place it's a forgotten language ;_; A few characters can speack it- Stel, Arianus, Anigus...Nzar might be able to...and some magic workers probably know a little too. And of course the gods speak it.

Right now there are three gods- Inomi, Asresadis, and Fate.

But now about Fate! His name is basically everything- he is the one he weaves fate and writes the world's plan. He literally weaves- on a loom. And in my world there is a way to become a god- defy Fate's plan. Put a knot in his weaving ^_^ Over the entire course of history it's happened six times.

Fate is the son and brother of Inomi- son because she molded him from clay, and brother because he is her equal. His main shape is a young boy...probably about eight years old. Because one of Inomi's jobs is as the one who cares for children, particularly younger boys. So that's what she made him as : )

I don't know what he's like really, but I would say his personality is similar to Nariques' only he's a lot friendlier, and he's got a good work ethic. His plan is usually a couple thousand lives ahead of schedule, and it's not uncommon for him to take a lifetime off. He likes to be born as a human and life with people every once in awhile. Catch- it always kills the mother, without fail, and he lives without memories unless someone (anyone would work) put their hand on his forehead and said he'yosh ma, which means, "truth" or "the truth"

When he's human he has a kind of four point, star birth mark on the back of his neck.