Sunday, October 14, 2007
character profile no.3 - Nariques Amon
gender;; male
species;; dragonmet
age;; ranges (about 200+ years younger than Leon)
hair color;; black
eye color;; white
skin;; tannish palish.
love intrest;; Maarisondre Scosti
Nariques is another character on my top 4 list : ) he's a dragonmet, which i've done a speices profile on already so go check that out if you want to. his father, Amadus, was slain by humans when he around nine years old, and his mother had died (or went missing?) long before that. he found his way to Knollend Wood, a huge forest that housed many different supernatural creatures- mainly nymphs, shifters and messis, but elfs fleeing the Wars in their respectful providences, and other things.
his closet friend in the Wood is an earth nymph named Yurix, and a messis named Soomur. he lives in a eerie like cave up over the forest and despises humans, for the most part, for the death of his father.
he's story is (currently) titled The Exception, because he falls in love with a human girl, a clan member named Maarisondre (Mar-e-son-dre), or Maari. Maari is forced into the Wood for (at least) a month and Yurix takes her to Nariques's cave to stay save (she makes Nariques promise to be a good boy). over the time that Maari stays in the Wood, she and Nariques become somewhat friends until the night before she's supposed to leave, they get into an argument and she falls (or he pushes her?) off the lip of the cave. she doesn't die, but she doesn't see him again before she goes home. later on, Nariques follows her to apologize.
with Maari, Nariques has two children, the first a son named Anaphestus and the second a daughter named Callimet (i think- haven't decided on her name). Maari and Callimet die, of course : ( Anaphestus kind of runs off and dones his own thing- he and Nariques never keep in touch. in modern times, Nariques suspects that he's somewhere in South America...but he's not sure....(hmmm....ponder ponder)
Nariques has black hair, and Yurix promises Maari that it's really soft ^_^ it has a feathery texture and look to it. his eyes are pure white with no viens or irisises or pupils or anything, he has horns and no ears, a tail. his horns are kind of sandy colored, and his tail is a sandy green color : ) Nariques is a typically grumpy character, and one word Yurix uses to descripe him a lot with is stiff. he's also brutually honest and usually looks bored.
oh, something funny : ) the first time i tried to draw him, i was drawing him from the side, and i ran into a problem with his tail...see, i wanted it to start realitively (sp) high up on his spine and make it really thick at the base, but from i tried to draw pants on him....uhh, it didn't work. : (
and the second time i drew him i forgot his tail entirely, and i looked back at it about, two weeks later and started cracking up. i thought it was so funny i wrote the date on the paper when i realized he was a tailess dragonmet XD
(piccy 1 from the side : )
(pic 2 with him either younger or cartoonier, with a Soomur looking blob next to him)
(put the links up l8er, mmk? : )
done! -ish!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
species profile no.2 - earthhawks
earthhawks are thought to have been the greatest species that ever existed, their only real weakness being their numbers. they're a hundred percent immortal but for one fatal spot that is never discovered. earthhawks had wings made out of a purified silvery metal that can cut through diamond easily, and feathers can be pulled off to be used as daggers and throwing knifes. they can revert their wings to an energy form and store it on either side of their spine. when their wings are held in there are long, thin diamonds of silver on their shoulder blade. feathers can be pulled out of the diamonds as well ^_^
an earthhawk's one fatal spot is between their shoulder blades. they cannot be killed by being impaled through the chest- it has to be from behind. before the race mysteriously disappeared, only one earthhawk has been killed by a human- killed period, actually. his name was Tuliuso, and he was killed by the prince of a country named Scaris. the sword that he was killed with was stained black by his blood, and gained the strength of their metal feathers and was locked away. the sword was called the Sword of Isyss. Leon (an earthhawk) had the sword stolen and he destroyed it. one piece of it hangs on a chain around his neck, and another was giving to the thief who stole it- a man named Greyson Nuver. the remaining pieces were thrown into the sea (and they didnt resurface thousands of years later, so forget that xb)
because earthhawks were immortal and very rarely did one of them die, very few of the females were born able to bear children, and never more than three. earthhawks mated for life (ha, eternity), and so everything pretty much worked. they lived on a spat of land high in the air until somehow, they all died. the island burned untill there was nothing there, and the earthhawks were just...gone. O_O a young girl, only about six years old (so YEAH YOUNG!) feel from the island and past out. she was caught by another earthhawk (heehe, the only other one who survived), but never remembered. Stel was caught by Leon : ) Leon is about 30 to 40 years older than her.
so two earthhawks remained out of....(uuhhhhhhh)....maybe a hundred or so. Leon and Stel! Stel doesn't hide what she was. she was one of the people who started the rebellion in Tork. Leon joined the Flag later, and didn't let on about what he was until Stel was impaled and nearly killed in the final battle. he flew her away from the field to heal her.
Stel was not one of those few females who is able to have children, so there'll never never been any little Leons and Stels.
earthhawks can eat just about anything, and Leon and Stel do eat humans. one thing Leon has said a lot is "when you been alive for so long, you care so much about it- living."
earthhawks commonly had unusual hair colors (red, grey, white...) and jewel toned eyes (red, gold, blue, green, bleh blwah blah). i hadn't really thought about skin, but now that i think about it i guess it was a pretty wide range....
they had sharp senses that could magnify at will and, a human comments at one point, a "predatory aura" about them.
last thing- not all earthhawks could use magic. because they're powerful enough without it, it was an uncommon gift, and magic users as powerful as Leon were unheard of.
character profile no.2 - Calamity
gender;; male
species;; nymph (earth)
age;; 400+
hair color;; black (green sheen)
eye color;; brown
skin;; palish
love intrest;; Rainer Moreland
Calamity is the coolest ^_^ he dies at the end of his story, but i think of him as alive all the time anyway. he's young by his race's standards, about 400 years old out of a life expectancy of a 1,000. he lives in the hill forests bordering a town in the modern world and is pretty much hated by the townspeople. he's there curse ^_^ ("damn that Calamity!"). his name...i just thought it would be a cool name, and it stuck to him and i couldn't get it off *frowns*
he's the kindest person you could ever meet, and it somewhat lacking in self confidence when confronted. a fact that he convientantly fogets when Rainer gets herself into trouble (she was shunned by the townspeople for associating with him), at which times he can be pretty viscous (sp xb).
i love his hair. it's black black black, and when in bright light it shines green (like a raven's wing is multi-colored in the light). it's kept in dreadlocks as thick as quarter (a little less, perhaps), and their are really messy dreads! really fuzzy and loose and full of leaves and mess. more than likely a few of them are caked in mud (doesn't mean he's a dirty guy, so don't judge! i'll defend him to the last! xb) his skin is pale and is true form isn't too awful much different from his human form- so much similar, in fact that he doesn't bother with it. his ears have an elfen point and his canines are slightly defined, but nothing more. he dresses in old blue jeans and flannel shirts, and that's about it : ) oh! i forgot- he wears a bandana too : ) it's blue! (on his head)
is story is titled The Greatest Calamity, but i'm really iffy about Rainer's past (and, ha, what do you know- the beginning of the story!)
Calamity has been one of my most favorite characters since i made him up. i don't know, but i love him so much. he's in my top four- Leon, Stel, Nariques, and Calamity! he's just the greatest guy ever, and he's somewhat naive, which is fun to take abvantage of at times (Rainer pulls a good trick or two (thousand) on him : )
luv luv luv luv.....*cackles happily*
species profile no.1 - dragonmet
1st of all they're called dragonmets, and are relatively rare. in my universe dragons went extinct and dragonmets get pretty close to it, but a handful of them make it to the modern world and they pass on genes relatively well, but only to their first child.
dragonmets are a cousin of the dragonkin, but the lizard form that associates them with the lesser breed is their second form. 1st form is a humaniod with no ears, horns that vary from dragonmet to dragonmet, and tails that are normally about 5 feet long (males) or 6 feet (females). their eyes are always one solid color and vienless, and they are catergorized among themselves in strength by the color of their eyes. they have no irises or pupils, just color : )
they cannot completely get rid of these features to walk with humans, but they have great potential for illusionary magic. they can tease the trigger of this potential by themselves, but to really jump start it in the past was to drink messis blood. messis were a rodant like race that specialized in illusion magic, though they're extinct now (as far as anyone knows ^_^). once they activate their magic, they can hide their tails and horns and 'make' ears, but the tails and horns are still there- if you pat a dragonmet using an illusion on the head, you could still impale your hand on a horn. their eyes they can't do much about, but if they cared to try hard enough they could make themselves appear blind. dragonmets with white eyes don't have to do anything.
dragonmets are typically smarter than dragons are, and they look different too (in dragony form). their heads are flat and triangle shaped, and they're smaller too. their scales aren't as hard and look and feel more like patterned elephant skin. their back teeth are longer than their front and their bottom teeth are long in the middle.
dragonmets are both solitary and social, depending on the individual and mate for life. their are also immortal. as said before, when they take mates from other species (which isn't uncommon) they pass on their dragonmettiness to their first child really well- so much in fact that it's really hard to tell the difference between a full dragonmet and a half breed. but after their first child...boom. any other child with any other partner gains next to nothing. small ears, little bumps where horns are, really harder teeth, pale irises- stuff like that : )
known dragonmets:
Amadus (dead)
Anaphestus (half breed)
character profile no.1 - Leon Argus
Leon Argus
gender;; male
species;; earthhawk
age;; ranges (modern world 8000+)
hair color;; orange/red
eye color;; w/ glasses hazel, w/o gold
skin;; white, not pale, not tan
love intrest;; Stel
he is the last living male earthhawk and a powerful magic user on top of that. he uses a method of magic called blood magic, that requires the user to sacrifice their own blood to preform magic (he's so powerful with it because he cannot die of bloodloss and regenerates almost instantly, and the magic is limitless if you can provide enough blood). he served in the Flag rebellion in Tork and saved Stel's life when she was run through in her only fatal spot by giving her Heart's Blood. he also killed the false king of Tork, a man possessed by Inomi's Eye.
in modern times, he's had many different jobs and attended a lot of different colleges and high schools, but his favorite job is teaching history to high school students.
probably his closet companions after Inch, Gus, Roy and Rebecca died are Nariques the dragonmet, Nzar and Stel (duh ^_^)
as for his physical appearence, he was orangish red hair (as said above) that hangs down to his waist and is always either braided or in a pony tail. he wears spelled glasses to disguise his eyes which aren't put away with his wings (read more about earthhawks when i put up the species profile!). the glasses make his eyes appear hazel, and as long as the glasses are on his face the illusion remains intact (meaning, if he looks over the top of them he's still got hazel eyes). without the glasses his eyes are amber with slit pupils : ) he's relatively short, about 5'5, and sleeps a lot as he gets older.
and for now, that's about it ^_^
1st post! my oc's all lined up!
obivously this list is going to be edited a lot, and it's not much more than main characters. i'm too lazy to go hunting through all my notes and stories for characters that don't really matter anyway, and i had a hard enough time remembering this (10/13)! doesn't including characters i made up for au fanfiction : ) and some characters have been killed because their stories sucked...: ( phooey.
Abicka - human clan member (Trevor)
Aka Timenbold - human
Ana Ninguin Mai'nos - mutt breed (Morgan Ashler)
Anaphestus Amon - dragonmet (Keomew Mundregur)
Anigus - human clan member (Lora)
Amadus - dragonmetAramen - mutt breed
Arianus - human (Morrow Fork)
Artica - elf
Ash - human (Ulanus)
Bane - human warlock (Kiera)
Buck - human
Calamity - earth nymph (Rainer)
Cloan/Tracker - human (Icidax Longshire)Colly - human
Elidsy - elf (Zaxus)
Genessa - water nymph (Nzar)
Greyson Nurver - human (Jacobi Iago)Grinjak Zik - human (Kellt Pierce)
Gus - human (Rebecca)
Icidax Longshire - human (Cloan/Tracker)Icoyzai - elf (Zaphiris)
Inch - human
Jacobi Iago - human (Greyson Nurver)
kKellt Pierce - human (Grinjak)
Kenya - human (Sircal)
Keomew Mundregur - Narken elf (Anaphestus)Kergra - human
Kiera - human warlock (Bane)
Leon - earthhawk (Stel)
Lora - human (Anigus)
Maarisondre Scosti - human clan member (Nariques Amon)
Mackie - humanMarley Passer - human (Matthew Johnson)
Matthew Johnson - human (Marley Passer) (funny how that works out huh?)
McKenzy - human
Morgan Ashler - human (Ana)Morrow Fork - human, small part elf (Arianus)
Nariques Amon - dragonmet (Maarisondre)
Nzar - ? (Genessa)
Que - human (Sebastian)
Rainer - human (Calamity)
Reagan - human
Rebecca - human (Gus)
Roy - human
Sebastian - human (Que)
Sircal - human (Kenya)
Soomur - messis
Stel Argus - earthhawk (Leon Argus)
Takii - humanTolin Longshire - human
Trevor - human (Abicka)
Turtle - human
Ulanus - water nymph (Ash)
Werre - human gone merr (Kyyip)Wiser Milano - human (??)
Yurix - earth nymph
Zaphiris - elf (Icoyzai)
Zaxus - elf (Elidsy)
1 - 10/13/07
2 - 10/29/07
3 - 11/23/07