Saturday, October 13, 2007

character profile no.2 - Calamity


gender;; male
species;; nymph (earth)
age;; 400+
hair color;; black (green sheen)
eye color;; brown
skin;; palish
love intrest;; Rainer Moreland

Calamity is the coolest ^_^ he dies at the end of his story, but i think of him as alive all the time anyway. he's young by his race's standards, about 400 years old out of a life expectancy of a 1,000. he lives in the hill forests bordering a town in the modern world and is pretty much hated by the townspeople. he's there curse ^_^ ("damn that Calamity!"). his name...i just thought it would be a cool name, and it stuck to him and i couldn't get it off *frowns*

he's the kindest person you could ever meet, and it somewhat lacking in self confidence when confronted. a fact that he convientantly fogets when Rainer gets herself into trouble (she was shunned by the townspeople for associating with him), at which times he can be pretty viscous (sp xb).

i love his hair. it's black black black, and when in bright light it shines green (like a raven's wing is multi-colored in the light). it's kept in dreadlocks as thick as quarter (a little less, perhaps), and their are really messy dreads! really fuzzy and loose and full of leaves and mess. more than likely a few of them are caked in mud (doesn't mean he's a dirty guy, so don't judge! i'll defend him to the last! xb) his skin is pale and is true form isn't too awful much different from his human form- so much similar, in fact that he doesn't bother with it. his ears have an elfen point and his canines are slightly defined, but nothing more. he dresses in old blue jeans and flannel shirts, and that's about it : ) oh! i forgot- he wears a bandana too : ) it's blue! (on his head)

is story is titled The Greatest Calamity, but i'm really iffy about Rainer's past (and, ha, what do you know- the beginning of the story!)

Calamity has been one of my most favorite characters since i made him up. i don't know, but i love him so much. he's in my top four- Leon, Stel, Nariques, and Calamity! he's just the greatest guy ever, and he's somewhat naive, which is fun to take abvantage of at times (Rainer pulls a good trick or two (thousand) on him : )


luv luv luv luv.....*cackles happily*

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