Sunday, October 14, 2007

character profile no.3 - Nariques Amon

i swear the apparent pattern with my posts is completely unintentional XD

gender;; male
species;; dragonmet
age;; ranges (about 200+ years younger than Leon)
hair color;; black
eye color;; white
skin;; tannish palish.
love intrest;; Maarisondre Scosti

Nariques is another character on my top 4 list : ) he's a dragonmet, which i've done a speices profile on already so go check that out if you want to. his father, Amadus, was slain by humans when he around nine years old, and his mother had died (or went missing?) long before that. he found his way to Knollend Wood, a huge forest that housed many different supernatural creatures- mainly nymphs, shifters and messis, but elfs fleeing the Wars in their respectful providences, and other things.

his closet friend in the Wood is an earth nymph named Yurix, and a messis named Soomur. he lives in a eerie like cave up over the forest and despises humans, for the most part, for the death of his father.

he's story is (currently) titled The Exception, because he falls in love with a human girl, a clan member named Maarisondre (Mar-e-son-dre), or Maari. Maari is forced into the Wood for (at least) a month and Yurix takes her to Nariques's cave to stay save (she makes Nariques promise to be a good boy). over the time that Maari stays in the Wood, she and Nariques become somewhat friends until the night before she's supposed to leave, they get into an argument and she falls (or he pushes her?) off the lip of the cave. she doesn't die, but she doesn't see him again before she goes home. later on, Nariques follows her to apologize.

with Maari, Nariques has two children, the first a son named Anaphestus and the second a daughter named Callimet (i think- haven't decided on her name). Maari and Callimet die, of course : ( Anaphestus kind of runs off and dones his own thing- he and Nariques never keep in touch. in modern times, Nariques suspects that he's somewhere in South America...but he's not sure....(hmmm....ponder ponder)

Nariques has black hair, and Yurix promises Maari that it's really soft ^_^ it has a feathery texture and look to it. his eyes are pure white with no viens or irisises or pupils or anything, he has horns and no ears, a tail. his horns are kind of sandy colored, and his tail is a sandy green color : ) Nariques is a typically grumpy character, and one word Yurix uses to descripe him a lot with is stiff. he's also brutually honest and usually looks bored.

oh, something funny : ) the first time i tried to draw him, i was drawing him from the side, and i ran into a problem with his tail...see, i wanted it to start realitively (sp) high up on his spine and make it really thick at the base, but from i tried to draw pants on him....uhh, it didn't work. : (

and the second time i drew him i forgot his tail entirely, and i looked back at it about, two weeks later and started cracking up. i thought it was so funny i wrote the date on the paper when i realized he was a tailess dragonmet XD

(piccy 1 from the side : )

(pic 2 with him either younger or cartoonier, with a Soomur looking blob next to him)

(put the links up l8er, mmk? : )

done! -ish!

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