Saturday, October 13, 2007

species profile no.1 - dragonmet

species profile! i'm going to tell you about a species i made up.

1st of all they're called dragonmets, and are relatively rare. in my universe dragons went extinct and dragonmets get pretty close to it, but a handful of them make it to the modern world and they pass on genes relatively well, but only to their first child.

dragonmets are a cousin of the dragonkin, but the lizard form that associates them with the lesser breed is their second form. 1st form is a humaniod with no ears, horns that vary from dragonmet to dragonmet, and tails that are normally about 5 feet long (males) or 6 feet (females). their eyes are always one solid color and vienless, and they are catergorized among themselves in strength by the color of their eyes. they have no irises or pupils, just color : )

they cannot completely get rid of these features to walk with humans, but they have great potential for illusionary magic. they can tease the trigger of this potential by themselves, but to really jump start it in the past was to drink messis blood. messis were a rodant like race that specialized in illusion magic, though they're extinct now (as far as anyone knows ^_^). once they activate their magic, they can hide their tails and horns and 'make' ears, but the tails and horns are still there- if you pat a dragonmet using an illusion on the head, you could still impale your hand on a horn. their eyes they can't do much about, but if they cared to try hard enough they could make themselves appear blind. dragonmets with white eyes don't have to do anything.

dragonmets are typically smarter than dragons are, and they look different too (in dragony form). their heads are flat and triangle shaped, and they're smaller too. their scales aren't as hard and look and feel more like patterned elephant skin. their back teeth are longer than their front and their bottom teeth are long in the middle.

dragonmets are both solitary and social, depending on the individual and mate for life. their are also immortal. as said before, when they take mates from other species (which isn't uncommon) they pass on their dragonmettiness to their first child really well- so much in fact that it's really hard to tell the difference between a full dragonmet and a half breed. but after their first child...boom. any other child with any other partner gains next to nothing. small ears, little bumps where horns are, really harder teeth, pale irises- stuff like that : )

known dragonmets:
Amadus (dead)
Anaphestus (half breed)


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